Max Model Setup
30 332305B
Setting the Real Time Clock
Equipped Models Only
NOTE: Set the real time clock prior to plugging the USB
flash drive into the pump.
Enter the Year:
• The year displays.
The first programma-
ble character, the
decade, blinks indi-
cating the device is
ready to program the
decade digit of the year.
• The LED under the # sign lights while setting the
1. Use the UP and DOWN arrow but-
tons to move up and down through
the number 0-9 until the number
for the current decade is displayed
in the field.
2. Press the ENTER button to set the
decade number. The cursor auto-
matically moves to the next field, the
year number.
3. Use the UP and DOWN arrow but-
tons to move up and down through
the number 0-9 until the number
for the current year is displayed in
the field.
4. Press the ENTER button to set the
year number.
The 3-character month displays indicating the G3 is
now ready to program the month.
Enter the Month:
1. Set the 3 character month by using
the UP and DOWN ARROW but-
tons to move up and down through
the list of months until the current month is dis-
played in the field.
2. Press the ENTER button to set the
The 2-digit date displays indicating the G3 is now
ready to program the date.
Enter the 2-digit Date:
The first programmable
character of the 2-digit
date blinks indicating the
device is ready to pro-
gram the first digit of the
The LED under the # sign lights while setting the date.
1. Use the UP and DOWN ARROW
buttons to move up and down
through the numbers 0-3 until the
first digit of the date is displayed in
the field.
2. Press the ENTER button to accept
the selection. The cursor automati-
cally moves to the second digit of
the date.
3. Use the UP and DOWN ARROW
buttons to move up and down
through the numbers 0-9 until the
second digit of the date is dis-
played in the field.
4. Press the ENTER button to set the
The time displays indicating the G3 is now ready to
program the time.
Enter the Time:
• The time displays in 24-Hour format. i.e., 2:45 PM
displays as 14:45.
• The clock is set in Hours and Minutes (HH:MM).
• The LED under the
HH lights when set-
ting hours and the
LED under the MM
lights when setting