Setup M ode Scree
System Screen
System screen 5 sets the following system operating
Figure 32 System Screen 5
Fluid Control
Select the desired operating mode (pressure or flow),
using the pull-down menu.
•InPressure Mode, the motor will adjust the pump
speed to maintain the fluid pressure set by an
external control device.
•InFlow Mode, the motor will maintain a constant
speed to maintain the target flow rate set by an
external control device.
Manual Override
Check this box to give users system control at the
ADM. Leave the box unchecked if all system settings
are controlled through a PC, PLC, or other networked
Gun Trigger Signal
Select the format of the signal indicating whether the
spray device is triggered.
• Discrete — t
he signal is sent via a direct,
other netw
orked device.
Flow Contr
ol (Setpoint Signal)
Select the
format of the signal that indicates system
flow rate o
r pressure.
• Discrete — the signal is sent via a direct,
hard-wired connection. This selection will make
the Max Rate field active.
• Network — the signal is sent via a PC, PLC, or
other networked device.
Stepup Gain and Stepdown Gain
These fields are active only for systems set to flow
control on System Screen 5. Enter a value from 1 to
in fluid flow setpoint. Use the Stepup Gain field for
increases in fluid flow setpoint. Use the Stepdown
Gain field for decreases in fluid flow setpoint.