Display Module
26 3A0869H
Ranges for User Inputs
This table is a one-sheet reference of the data range accepted for each user input. See the page indicated in the
table for further screen information, if needed.
Page Screen User Input Range/Options Default
42 Run Mix Batch (3)
Target Volume
1 to 9999 cc 0 cc
43 Run Job Number
User Number
000000000 to 999999999 000000000
45 Password (16)
0000 to 9999 0000 (disabled)
46 Configure 1 (18)
System Type
Meters; 50cc Pump; 75cc Pump; 100cc
Pump; 125cc Pump; 150cc Pump
46 Configure 1 (18)
Dosing Type
Dynamic (A B)
50cc Sequential (A-B 50cc)
100cc Sequential (A-B 100cc)
50 cc Sequential
46 Configure 1 (18)
Gun Flush Box Enable
On or Off Off
46 Configure 1 (18)
Number of Guns
1 or 2 guns 1 gun
46 Configure 1 (18)
Number of Colors
1 or 3 colors 1 color
46 Configure 2 (19)
Gun 1 or Gun 2 hose length
0.1 to 45.7 m / 0.3 to 150 ft 1.53 m / 5.01 ft.
46 Configure 2 (19)
Gun 1 or Gun 2 hose diameter
0.1 to 1 inch 0.25 inches
46 Configure 2 (19)
Flow Rate Region
High (250 cc/min or higher) or
Low (<250 cc/min)
46 Configure 3 (20)
USB Log Language
Chinese; Dutch; English; French; German;
Italian; Japanese; Korean; Portuguese;
Russian; Spanish; Swedish;
46 Configure 3 (20)
Date Format
mm/dd/yy; dd/mm/yy; yy/mm/dd mm/dd/yy
46 Configure 3 (20)
01/01/00 to 12/31/99 Set at factory
46 Configure 3 (20)
00:00 to 23:59 Set at factory
46 Configure 3 (20)
0000 to 9999 0000 (disabled)
46 Configure 3 (20)
Backlight Timer
0 to 99 minutes 0 minutes
46 Configure 4 (21)
Distance Units
Feet/inches or Meters/cm Feet/inches
46 Configure 4 (21)
Volume Units
Liters; Gallons US; Gallons Imperial Gallons US
47 Recipe 1-1 (28)
Recipe 2-1 (30)
Recipe 3-1 (32)
0:1 to 30:1
Note: Enter 0 to dispense A only.
47 Recipe 1-1 (28)
Recipe 2-1 (30)
Recipe 3-1 (32)
Ratio Tolerance
1 to 99 percent 5 percent
47 Recipe 1-1 (28)
Recipe 2-1 (30)
Recipe 3-1 (32)
Potlife Timer
0 to 240 minutes
Note: If set to 0, potlife alarm is disabled.
60 minutes
47 Recipe 0 (27)
Recipe 1-2 (29)
Recipe 2-2 (31)
Recipe 3-2 (33)
Flush Times - First (A purge),
Second (B purge), or Third
(using A or B, selected by user)
0 to 240 seconds
Note: If set to 0, the valve(s) will not flush.
60 seconds
48 Maintenance 1 (24)
Meter A or Meter B
0 to 2,000,000 L / 0 to 528,344 gal 0
48 Maintenance 1 (24)
Solvent Valve A or B
0 to 9,999,999 0
48 Maintenance 2 (25)
Dose Valve A1, A2, A3, or B
0 to 9,999,999 0
48 Maintenance 3 (26)
Fluid Filter A or B, or Air Filter
0 to 9999 days 0 days
49 Calibration 1 (22)
Meter A1, A2, A3, or B K-Factor
0 to 0.873 cc/pulse 0.119 cc/pulse
49 Calibration 2 (23)
Actual Dispensed Volume
0 to 9999 cc 0 cc