Advisories and Alarms
Topics Covered in this Chapter
♦ Clear Alarms
♦ View Current Alarms
♦ View Error Log
♦ Error Codes
There are three types of errors that can occur. Errors
are indicated by the light tower as well as on the
Alarms indicated by
, require immediate
attention; therefore, the control disables the air motor
and the Information screen automatically displays.
Deviations, indicated by
, require attention, but
not immediately.
Advisories, indicated by
, do not require
attention. Therefore, if a deviation or advisory occur,
the system continues running and
displays next to the operation mode field.
The following table explains the error type that is
associated with the particular light tower LED.
Light Tower
Green Solid System is powered up and
monitoring pressure.
Yellow Solid In Circulation Mode or Manual
Bypass Mode
A deviation exists
Red Solid
An alarm exists and the system
shuts down
Clear Alarms
Fore more information about the alarms, see
Information Screen, page 26.
To clear an error:
1. Press
to clear the alarm.
2. Press
to restart the air motor.
View Current Alarms
From the Run screen, press to navigate
to the Information screen. The Information screen
displays current alarms or advisories.
Figure 11