Appendix A: Engi
ne Control Module
There are two types of alarms that can occur on the system. Alarms are indicatedbyanicontheRunand
Information screens.
When present on system, a warning alarm will not stop the generator.
Icon Description Details
Battery Hig
h Voltage
The DC Supply has risen above the high volts setting level for the
duration of the high battery volts timer.
Battery Low Voltage
The DC Supply has fallen below the low volts setting level for the
duration of the low battery volts timer.
Fail To Stop
The module
detected a condition that indicates that the engine is
running wh
en it has been instructed to stop.
Flexible Sensor The flexible sensor warning alarm has been triggered.
When pre
sent on system, a shutdown alarm will stop the generator. Clear the alarm and remove the fault.
Then pre
ss the stop button to reset the module. See the information screen to see the latest alarm.
Icon Descri
Fail To Start The engine has not fired after the preset number of start attempts.
Generator High Voltage
The gen
erator output voltage has risen above the preset level.
Generator Low Voltage
The generator output voltage has fallen below the preset level.
High Coolant Temperature
The module detects that the engine coolant temperature has
exceeded the high engine temperature shutdown setting after the
Safety On timer has expired.
Low O
il Pressure Shutdown
The e
ngine oil pressure has fallen below the low oil pressure trip
ing level after the Safety On timer has expired.
Over Frequency Shutdown The generator output frequency has risen above the preset level.
Under Frequency Shutdown The generator output frequency has fallen below the preset level.
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