Allow sufficient space to permit easy access for
maintenance and service, especially in front of
the pump. The pump area should have adequate
headroom and sufficient ventilation.
Before installing your pump, see
Dimensions, page 21, to ensure that the
available space is sufficient for the pump, taking into
account the following provisions:
• Dimension and weight of the pump package.
• Required moving and hoisting equipment.
• Possible piping layout, including space for removal
and maintenance.
• Freedom of movement to operate the unit,
read speed and pressure gauges, and provide
adjustment and maintenance.
• Space required for lubrication.
• Space for removal of the hose from the unit.
• Location of the nearest drain or catch basin to
collect used lubricant and fluid.
NOTE: The hose is serviced through the front cover.
Therefore, provide sufficient work space in front of
the pump when installing the unit.
Mount the Pump
See Mounting Hole Layouts, page 22.
Mount the pump on a flat concrete foundation 4
inches (100 mm) wider and longer than the pump
base. When installing the pump, make sure that the
surface of the foundation is smooth and free of debris.
The foundation should be level and of sufficient depth
and strength to adequately support the pump.
Anchor bolts should be set into the concrete
foundation. For best results, use anchor bolts made
of corrosion resistant material such as stainless
steel. Anchor bolt nuts should be of a different grade
stainless steel to prevent galling. Level the pump as
required, using shims.
Initially tighten the anchor bolts one eighth of a turn
with a wrench. Do not fully tighten until after all piping
has been connected.
Mounting a Non
-Graco Motor
To mount a non-Graco motor and gearbox to a bare
EP Hose Pump, see the following table and Fig. 2
(EP2 Pumps) or Fig. 3 (EP3 or EP4 Pumps).
ter (A)
Bolt Cir-
cle Di-
Pilot Di-
ing Hole
Size (D)
EP2 20 mm 100 mm 80 mm M6
EP3 30 mm 130 mm 110 mm M8
EP4 35 mm 165 mm 130 mm M10
Figure 2 Motor Mounting Dimensions for EP2 Pumps
Figure 3 Motor Mounting Dimensions for EP3 or
EP4 Pumps
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