The engine instructions that accompany your unit detail
specic procedures for maintenance of the engine. Fol-
lowing the engine manufacturer’s recommendations will
extend engine work life.
The pump oil must be changed after the rst 25 hours
of operation on all units. Once the initial oil change has
been completed, it is recommended the oil be changed
every 3 months or 250 hour intervals. If oil appears
dirty or milky, changes may be required at a greater
frequency. Add pump oil and ll only to the center of
the sight glass (Refer to the parts listing for the correct
pump oil). Do not overll.
Water ow through the spray nozzle will erode the ori-
ce, making it larger, resulting in a pressure loss. Noz-
zles should be replaced whenever pressure is less than
85% of the maximum. The frequency of replacement
will depend upon such variables as mineral content in
the water and number of hours the nozzle is used.
Quick Couplers
There is an o-ring seal inside the female quick coupler.
This o-ring will deteriorate or, if the unit is allowed to
pump without the high pressure hose or nozzle at-
tached, the o-ring may be blown out occasionally.
Simply insert a replacement o-ring to correct the leak.
(Additional o-rings can be purchased from your dealer.)
Belt Tension Adjustment
To maintain peak performance of your pressure washer,
it may be necessary to adjust the belt tension on occa-
sion. Follow the procedure outlined below.
1. Remove the belt guard and loosen the two nuts on each
side of the pump. (Reference A) There are a total of
4 nuts.
2. Turn the cap screw (Reference B) clockwise until a 1/2
inch belt deection is noticed between the pulleys.
3. Tighten the side nuts. (Reference A)
4. Put a straight edge across both pulleys. If necessary,
loosen one set of pulley screws and adjust in or out to
properly align. Tighten the pulley screws and check
the tension again.
5. Replace the beltguard and tighten the fasteners