Edge 605/705 Owner’s Manual 51
Data Field Description Edge 605 Edge 705
Heart Rate – Avg Average heart rate for the ride. ●
Heart Rate – Lap Average heart rate in the current
Heart Rate Zone Current range of heart rate (1–5).
The default zones are based on
your maximum heart rate and
user prole.
Laps Amount of laps completed. ● ●
Power Current power output in watts or
% FTP.
Power – Avg Average power output for the
duration of your current ride.
Power – KiloJoules Total (cumulative) amount of
power output in kilojoules.
Power – Lap Average power output in the
current lap.
Power – Max Top power achieved during the
current ride.
Power Zone Current range of power output
(1–7) based on your FTP or
custom settings.