If no material or reduced volumes of material come out of the dispense needle it may be partially or completely
clogged. Clean with water or solvent depending on the material dispensed. A fine wire, used cautiously, will help
open clogged needles. Replace the needle if damaged or severely clogged. Replacement needles can be
ordered for the Model 710 Dispense Valve by specifying the proper part number. See the Recommended Spare
Parts section of this manual or consult the drawings for your exact model.
Refer to the illustration below and the drawings in the back of this manual for your exact model.
Note the direction that u-cup and Posipak seals are facing as you remove them so that the replacements can be
installed facing the same way.
Note that the Gaskets (24) rarely require replacement and are not provided in the seal kit. Retain them for reuse
after cleaning. Replacements are available from the factory or your Dispensit dealer.
1. Turn off the air supply and remove the Connectors (28) from the controller.
2. Turn off the material supply and remove the material inlet line from the Adapter (15).
3. Remove the valve from its mounting.
4. Remove the Needle Seat (1) and Needle Block (23) by removing the Nut (2).
NOTE: Also remove the O-ring (18) and Gasket (24) associated with this needle seat. Save the gasket.
5. Remove the Retaining Plug (17) which allows the Spring (13) to push the Valve Sleeve (3) and the Piston
Assembly (4) out of the Valve Body (5).
6. Remove the U-cup Seals (16).
7. Remove the Set Screw (27) and remove End Cap (14) from the Valve Body (5).
8. Loosen the Hex Nut (20) and remove the Adjustment Screw (21) and its O-ring (19) from the End Cap (14).
9. Remove the O-rings (6) from the End Cap (14) and from the Valve Sleeve (3).
10. Remove the Retaining Tube (9) from the Valve Sleeve (3).
11. Remove the Retaining Ring (12) from the Valve Sleeve (3).
12. Remove the Washer (11).
13. Remove the U-cup Seal (10).
14. Remove the Spacer (8).
15. Remove the Posipak Seal (7).
16. Remove the Tubing (29) from the open and close Elbows (25) and remove the elbows and their Gaskets (24).
The 710 Dispense Valve is now ready for cleaning and assembly.