
Important Two-Component Material Information
312062W 13
Use moisture-proof hoses specifically
designed for ISO, such as those supplied
with your system.
Never use reclaimed solvents, which may
contain moisture. Always keep solvent con-
tainers closed when not in use.
Never use solvent on one side if it has
been contaminated from the other side.
Always lubricate threaded parts with ISO
pump oil or grease when reassembling.
Foam Resins with 245 fa
Blowing Agents
Some foam blowing agents will froth at tem-
peratures above 90°F (33°C) when not under
pressure, especially if agitated. To reduce
frothing, minimize preheating in a circulation
Changing Materials
When changing materials, flush the equip-
ment multiple times to ensure it is thor-
oughly clean.
Always clean the fluid inlet strainers after
Check with your material manufacturer for
chemical compatibility.
Most materials use ISO on the A side, but
some use ISO on the B side.
Epoxies often have amines on the B (hard-
ener) side. Polyureas often have amines on
the B (resin) side.