332981A 3
Assemble the pressure roller as shown in the Parts
Drawing on page 4. Attach pressure roller assembly to
spray gun.
Pressure Relief Procedure
1. Engage gun trigger lock.
2. Shut off power to pump.
3. Turn prime/spray valve to the PRIME position to
relieve pressure in system.
4. Disengage gun trigger safety, and trigger gun to
relieve any pressure in hose.
5. Engage gun trigger safety, and keep pump
prime/spray valve in PRIME position until you paint
6. If you suspect the spray tip or hose is clogged or
that pressure has not been fully relieved after follow-
ing the steps above, VERY SLOWLY loosen tip
guard retaining nut or hose end coupling to relieve
pressure gradually, then loosen completely. Clear
hose or tip obstruction.
1. Follow pump priming instructions using lowest pres-
sure setting at which pump primes. NOTE: Do not
exceed minimum pressure required to supply paint
to the roller.
2. Turn prime/spray valve to SPRAY position.
3. Disengage gun safety latch, trigger the gun, and roll
the surface until paint comes to roller.
NOTE: Trigger the gun briefly in short bursts only
when you need more paint. Determine how often
you must trigger the gun to maintain an even paint
supply to the roller.
4. Increase pump pressure only if triggering gun can-
not supply enough paint for your rolling speed.
5. Perform Pressure Relief Procedure.
6. Whenever you stop painting, relieve the pressure,
and elevate roller end of extension tube to prevent
paint from draining out.
NOTE: Flush the pump, gun, and pressure roller
immediately after each use to prevent paint from
drying in the pressure roller and damaging it. See
Cleaning on
This is the procedure for flushing the pressure roller.
The pump and gun you are using may have additional
flushing steps, such as cleaning filters and screens. See
the pump and gun flushing instructions.
NOTE: Leave the pressure roller attached to the gun for
this procedure.
1. Perform Pressure Relief Procedure.
2. Remove roller cover (19) and diffuser (23) from
roller frame as follows (see Parts Drawing):
a. Using your thumb, press down on clip (5) to
release end caps (2 &4), diffuser (23) and roller
cover (19) into a pail.
b. Remove roller cover (19) from diffuser (23).
c. Pull end caps (2 & 4) off diffuser (23).
3. Clean roller cover (19), caps (2 & 4) and diffuser
(19) with water or a compatible fluid for oil--base
4. Place roller frame (1) in paint pail. Be sure the holes
in roller frame (1) are facing inside the paint pail.
5. Prime pump with water or flushing fluid for
oil--based materials. Use the lowest pump priming
pressure setting.
6. Turn prime/spray valve to SPRAY.
NOTE: Perform Step 7 at the lowest pressure
7. Trigger gun until flushing fluid begins to dilute the
8. Place roller frame (1) in another bucket and con-
tinue flushing until fluid coming out of the roller
frame (1) is clear.
9. Shut off the pump. Turn prime/spray valve to
This equipment stays pressurized until pressure is
manually relieved. To help prevent serious injury from
pressurized fluid, such as skin injection, splashing
fluid and moving parts, follow the Pressure Relief Pro-
cedure when you stop spraying and before cleaning,
checking, or servicing the equipment.