312376L 15
Overnight Shutdown
1. Stop the pump at the bottom of the stroke to prevent
fluid from drying on the exposed displacement rod
and damaging the throat packings.
2. For D200s, D200, D60, and S20 Supply Systems:
Set the ram director valve to the neutral position.
3. For L20c Supply Systems: Set the elevator direc-
tor valve to DOWN.
4. Follow Pressure Relief Procedure, page 12.
5. Always flush the pump before the fluid dries on the
displacement rod. See Prime/Flush on page 13.
Never leave water or water-based fluid in a carbon
steel pump overnight. If you are pumping
water-based fluid, flush with water first, then with a
rust inhibitor, such as mineral spirits. Relieve pres-
sure, but leave rust inhibitor in pump to protect parts
from corrosion.
FIG. 12: D200s, D200, D60, and S20 Air Controls
FIG. 13: L20c Air Controls
Ram Director Valve
Elevator Director