System Configuration and Part Numbers
6 312779E
RoboMix Fluid Station Configurator Key
The configured part number for your equipment is printed on the equipment identification labels. See F
. 2
for location of the identification labels. The part number includes one digit from each of the following six
categories, depending on the configuration of your system.
Control and Display A and B Meter Color Valves Catalyst Valves Flow
R D = EasyKey with LCD Display 0 = No Meters
1 = G250 (A and B)
2 = G250HR (A and B)
0 = No Valves
(single color)
1 = Two Valves
(low pressure)
2 = Four Valves
(low pressure)
3 = Seven Valves
(low pressure)
4 = Twelve Valves
(low pressure)
0 = No Valves
(single catalyst)
1 = Two Valves
(low pressure)
2 = Four Valves
(low pressure)
N = No
Y = Yes
. 2: Identification Label, RoboMix Fluid Station Systems
Label Location
on EasyKey
Label Location on
RoboMix Fluid Station
Maximum Fluid
Working Pressure
is listed here
Configured Part Number