6 312786G
15V822 Dump Valve Kit for RoboMix
NOTE: These instructions show this kit being installed
on the B side. It may also be installed on the A side.
1. See F
. 7. Shut off the fluid supply to the dose
valve (V) in the RoboMix.
2. Actuate the dose valve to relieve fluid pressure in
the valve.
3. Relieve fluid pressure upstream and downstream of
the dose valve. See your ProMix 2KS Operation
4. Remove the plug from the dose valve adapter.
Apply thread sealant and install the elbow (8) in this
5. Install the valve adapter (3) in the RoboMix. Secure
with four screws (11). Apply thread sealant and
install the nipple (9) through the back of the Robo-
Mix and into the adapter. Install the swivel (6) in the
opposite side of the adapter.
6. Install the seat (2), o-ring (10), and dump valve (1)
in the adapter (3).
7. Connect the hose (5) between the swivel (6) and
elbow (8).
8. Shut off all power to the fluid panel. Open the fluid
panel. See the RoboMix Panel detail in F
. 2.
Install the solenoid (4) at the correct position (Dump
Valve A or Dump Valve B) on the solenoid manifold.
Connect the solenoid wires to the fluid panel control
board as shown in F
. 3. Also see the System
Electrical Schematic on page 13.
9. Connect the tubing (13) between the solenoid mani-
fold and the tube fitting (T) on the dump valve (1).
See System Pneumatic Schematic, page 10.