3A0538F 11
Pressure Relief Procedure
1. Close the bleed-type master air valve (M).
2. Open the dispensing valve, if used.
3. Open all fluid drain valves (N) in the system, having
a waste container ready to catch drainage. Leave
drain valve(s) open until you are ready to pump
Prime the Pump
1. Fill the TSL reservoir to the Maximum fill line with
Throat Seal Liquid (TSL). See F
. 4 on page 13.
NOTE: During operation the TSL level in the reservoir
will fluctuate slightly at pump changeover.
2. Close pump air regulator (L) by turning knob coun-
terclockwise reducing pressure to zero. Close
bleed-type air valve (M). Also verify that all drain
valves (N) are closed.
3. Connect air line (J) to bleed type air valve (M).
4. Check that all fittings throughout system are tight-
ened securely.
5. Connect the fluid supply line (C) from the mix tank
shutoff valve (D) to the pump.
6. Connect the fluid line (E) to the pump outlet.
NOTE: If your pump has DataTrak, see your separate
NXT air motor manual for DataTrak instructions.
Units with runaway protection only:
enable the
prime/flush function by pushing the prime/flush but-
ton on the DataTrak.
8. Open bleed-type air valve (M). Slowly turn pump air
regulator (L) clockwise, increasing pressure until
pump starts.
9. Cycle pump slowly until all air is pushed out and
pump and hoses are fully primed.
Units with runaway protection only:
disable the
prime/flush function by pushing the prime/flush but-
ton on the DataTrak.
11. Verify that pump actuations are priming the pump
wet-cup. If not, confirm that the TSL pump piston is
being depressed at bottom changeover, and that
reservoir check valves are not stuck closed.
12. Close the fluid shutoff valve (D) downstream of the
pump. The pump should stall against pressure.
NOTE: In a circulation system, the pump operates con-
tinuously until the power supply is shut off. In a
direct-supply system, the pump starts when the dis-
pense valve is opened, and stops when the dispense
valve is closed.
Stop the Pump at the Bottom of
Its Stroke
Relieve the pressure when you stop the pump for any
reason. Stop the pump on the downstroke, before the
air motor changes over.
Follow Pressure Relief Procedure, page 11.
Always flush the pump before the fluid dries on the dis-
placement rod. See Flushing on page 12.
Failure to stop the pump at the bottom of its stroke
allows fluid to dry on the piston rod, which can dam-
age the throat packings and the TSL pump piston seal
when the pump is restarted.