Pressure Relief Procedure
3A0242A 5
Pressure Relief Procedure
1. Lock gun trigger safety.
2. Turn engine ON/OFF switch to OFF.
3. Move pump switch to OFF and turn pressure control
knob fully counterclockwise.
4. Unlock trigger safety. Hold metal part of gun firmly
to side of grounded metal pail, and trigger gun to
relieve pressure.
5. Lock gun trigger safety.
6. Open pressure drain valve. Leave valve open until
ready to spray again.
If you suspect that the spray tip or hose is completely
clogged, or that pressure has not been fully relieved
after following the steps above, VERY SLOWLY loosen
tip guard retaining nut or hose end coupling to relieve
pressure gradually, then loosen completely. Now clear
tip or hose.
Standard Units Only:
Connect appropriate Graco
high-pressure hose to sprayer.
Standard Units Only:
Install whip hose to fluid inlet
of spray gun and tighten securely.
3. Engage gun trigger safety.
4. When spraying texture, remove inlet strainer and fil-
ter bowl screen when spraying materials.
5. Fill throat packing nut with TSL to prevent premature
packing wear. Do this each time you spray.
6. Check engine oil level. Add SAE 10W-30 (summer)
or 5W-20 (winter), if necessary.
7. Fill fuel tank.
8. Attach sprayer grounding clamp to earth ground.