
Press left soft key (click the ‘inquire status’
option with touch-pen) to select ‘inquire
status’, and the screen show ‘connecting’
and then the screen will show ‘if operating
1.4.2 Call forward
When activate the ‘call forward’ option you
can select different type of call forward as
well as you can set the forward number. Unconditional
After you activate this option, you can
forward all incoming call to other phone
number. Activate call
Press left soft key (or click this option with
touch-pen) to select this option you can
enter the screen of input box, and after input
the desired number press left soft key (or
click with touch-pen) to confirm it and the
screen show ‘connecting’ and then the
screen will show ‘if operating successful’.
If you wand to change the forward number,
only need you activate the call forward
feature to input the new number in input box. Inactivate call
Press left soft key (or click this option with
touch-pen) select this option, and the screen
show ‘in connecting’ and then the screen will
show ‘if operating successful’. Inquire status
Same as inquire call wait status, press left
soft key (or click this option with touch-pen)
to select this option, and the screen will
show ‘connecting’ and then the screen will
show ‘if operating successful’. When no reply
Basic operating of this option same as the
‘unconditional’, please reference
unconditional option. When you activate this
feature, you must select delay times. When busy
All feature of this option same as the
unconditional feature. When failing to connect
All the operations here are the same to those of