
Bleach Dispenser:
• Bleach dispenser is located on front corner under the loading door.
• Pour in recommended amount of bleach into dispenser
during the first wash fill.
Note: Use only liquid bleach in dispenser.
Warning: • Be careful not to spill undiluted bleach on the washer cabinet or your
clothes. As it is a strong chemical, it may damage some of your
clothes or the finish of the washer if not properly diluted.
• Use the manufacturer’s chart, on product container for recommended
use of liquid or powder bleach.
Normal Operating Sounds
The following sounds are normally heard during the
operation of the washer:
• Tumbling sounds: This is normal as the heavy wet clothes in the Washer
are continuously being tossed around.
• Air rushing noise: This happens when the Washer tub spins at
very high RPM.
• Wash and Rinse cycles going on and off will also make clicking sounds.