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E Economic Wash Button.
It reduces water and power consumption when
rinsing if the machine does not have a full load.
(Less than 3kg)
F1 Speed Button.
Push the button down, to reduce spin speed
from1400r/min to 500r/min during strong washing
mode and medium washing mode
G Detergent Dispenser.
The detergent dispenser is divided into 3 compart-
ments marked 1,2,3:(See Fig.8)
1 Pre-wash detergent
2 Wash detergent
3 Softeners, conditioners, perfumes
F2 Speed Button.
Push the button down, to reduce spin speed
from1200r/min to 500r/min during strong washing
mode and medium washing mode
H Door Lock Light
Remember that only when the washer doesn't
work,we can open the door. After the washing
program finish,after 3 minutes, when the self-lock
meter turn off, we can open the door.