Direct dissolved in the machine
1.Fill some water.
2.Add the power. Run for 30 seconds to dissolve it completely.
3.Put in the laundries. Select suitable water level.
The instant dissolving of the washing powder:
1.Prepare warm water of 30 and a container.
2.Add the powder while stirring to fully dissolve it.
It is suggested not to use high sudsing detergent.
Washing powder with poor quality or long time storage maybe caked.
How to use the washing powder
Preparation before washing
Pay attention to followings before washing the laundries
Confirm if
there's special
requirment for
the laundries.
Clear the pocket.
Take out the
coins , sand,
hairpins etc.
Fasten the
buttons and
When the pulsator
is running , the
buttons of the
laundries may
cause noise. For
the sake of
put the laundries
with buttons into
other laundries.
The quantity of
the laundries
shall not exceed
the rated value.
The big laundries
like the jeans
shall be put in
A.Please check if the laundries are applicable for washing.
b.Separate those not colorfast from other laundries.
c.For laundries not water absorbing, please put them into water with hands.
d.For laundries with much soil, lease remove the soil first. You can add detergent on the
part with serious soil directly. It is much easier to remove the soil by that mean.
e.For laundries likely to get lint ball or with long fiber, please first turn the inside out before
putting them into the water.
F.Do not put the laundries polluted with chemicals directly into the washing machine.