Caution:If, after completing these steps, you are unsure that unit is
properly installed, contact a qualified installer.To ensure that
your washer is properly installed, it is recommended that it
be installed by a certified installer.
Water Inlet
Water Supply Hose
Goose Neck
Hose Bend
Drain Hose
4. Installthe drain hose to thesideof thewasher using thedrain hose
dampprovided. The drain hose must beplacedinto adrain pipe or sink
at least 1 1/2inches in diameter. Use the gooseneck to thehose in
place. To avoid possible water back up, the drain hose must reach a
minimum height of 1000mm andamaximum height of 1500mm.
5.Plug thewasher into a regular 220-240Volt/50Hz,10Amps outlet.
Note :Carefullyinspect all around themachine andat theback for any
leaks, andtighten anyloose connections.