Listen to received voicemail need to press
and hold the key 1 (Default speeddial forKey
1 isVoicemail).
Call register stores information about the last
30 missed, 30 received, and 30 dialled calls.
It also adds the total duration of all calls.
When the number of calls exceed the
maximum, the most recent call replaces the
User can view missed calls and also use
options likesave, send message etc.
Call History Missed Call Details/Send
message/Delete/DeleteAll OK.
User can view received calls and also use
options likesave, send message etc.
3. CallHistory
3.1 MissedCall
3.2 ReceivedCall
Call History Received Call Details/Send
message/Delete/DeleteAll OK.
User can view received calls and also use
options likesave, send message etc.
Call History Dialled Call Details/Send
message/Delete/DeleteAll OK.
User can erase the all Call history with this
Allow user to view call duration of last call
and total call duration i.e. dialled, received ,
Call history CallTimer.
Phone displaythe time used bythe last call.
Call history CallTimer Last Call
3.3 DialledCall
3.4 EraseLists
3.5 CallTimers
3.5.1. LastCall