The boiler MUST be OFF and COOL before you should
attempt to clean the combustion blower.
The wire to the combustion blower doesn’t need to be
disconnected during the cleaning process.
Loosen the three (3) thumb screws about 4 turns each.
See Fig. 23. Hold the motor head with one hand and the
blower plate handle with the other hand. Pull outward on
the plate handle until the complete unit comes loose. Now
rotate the plate counter-clockwise about 1/8 turn. This
will allow the complete assembly to be removed from the
blower chamber.
Clean the blower fan blades and the blower plate seal-
ing overlap. See Fig. 24.
NOTE: Be careful not to bend the fan blades, this will
throw the fan blade out of balance or it may rub the inner
chamber, which may affect the performance of the boiler. Any
horizontal and vertical ue pipe directly above the unit should
be cleaned at this time
NOTE: The horizontal ue pipe directly above the boiler
is the rst place y ash will settle, due to the slowing of ue
gas velocity through horizontal pipe. Cleaning of horizontal
venting pipes is very important to the efciency of this boiler.
Clean the ue outlet throat as well as the inner chamber
of the ue tunnel (this is the hole that goes up into the ue
pipe). See Fig. 24.
NOTE: The exhaust probe sensing tip extends into this
ESP will make it difcult to remove if it should become
necessary. See Fig. 23.
Clean the boiler blower plate, sealing overlap. See Fig 24.
Make sure there are no y ash buildups that may block the
easy ow of ue gasses into the combustion blower inlet
hole. ( A ashlight may be necessary. )
Cleaning the Tube Heat Exchangers:
Three external cleaning rods allow scraping of the heat
exchange tubes with a simple in-and-out motion. See pic-
ture on page 32.
This cleaning should be done at least once a week, how-
ever it can be done more often as desired. The cleaner the
heat exchangers are, the more efcient the boiler will be.
It is best to perform during a low re period or when the
re is out. During high re periods, the cleaning rods may
stick due to heat related expansion.
Combustion Blower Cleaning
Remove the combustion blower heat shield.
There are two latches that hold the shield in place
(See Fig. 22). Flip the latches up and pull the shield
away from the boiler. It can not be fully removed,
it can only be moved down over the wire until it
hangs on the junction box.
CAUTION: Inspect ue pipes, ue pipe joints and
ue pipe seals regularly to ensure that smoke and
ue gases are not entering the home.
Fig. 23
Thumb Screws (3 Total)
Blower Motor
Exhaust Probe
Fig. 24
Fig. 22
Sealing Overlap
5” Double
Bladed Fan