Areas of heavy growth should be mown without collecting the clip-
pings. If collection is required, first mow the area without the grass-
bag at the maximum height of cut setting. Allow the grass clippings to
dry out and then mow the area at the maximum height of cut setting
with the grassbag fitted. Reduce the height of cut and mow the area
again as necessary until the required finish is obtained.
To prevent grass damage do not remove more than one third of grass
height in one cut.
Hayter balanced ‘C’ type cranked cutterblades are fitted to this
machine. They are designed to swing on the shoulder of the
Cutterblade bolt when encountering a fixed object. Keep cutterblades
sharp and ensure they are secured correctly.
When moving the mower across non-grassed areas, stop the engine
and set the mower to the maximum height of cut to protect the cutting
Heavy Growth
Cutterblade Operation
Non-Grassed Areas
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