Page 16 6" & 8" Bear Cat Chipper Operators Manual
Problem Probable Cause Suggested Remedies
Obstructed discharge
Use branch or similar object
to clear discharge
Plugged rotor Clear rotor
Obstructed discharge
Use branch or similar object
to clear discharge
Dull chipper blades Sharpen blades
Improper blade clearance Adjust clearance
Obstructed discharge
Use branch or similar object
to clear discharge
Plugged rotor
Clear rotor, feed material into
shredder more evenly
Green material will not
Alternately feed dry material,
or allow material to dry
Plugged rotor Clear rotor
Loose or worn belts
Adjust belt tension or replace
belts if needed
Drivehead vibration
Check drive belts and pulleys
for bad or worn spots
Rotor out of balance
Inspect rotor for broken or
missing chipper blades and
paddles. Repair if needed.
Check rotor to see if it
wobbles. Check to see if the
rotor is assembled correctly
Engine dies or runs
Engine problems Contact local Honda dealer
Vibration while running
Hard to feed chipper or
excessive power needed
to chip
Rotor does not turn
Chipper requires
excessive power or stalls
Drive belts squealing or