14 • HP All-in-One
㾷އࡲ⊩˖পߎᑊ䞡ᮄᬒܹHP All-in-One Windows CDDŽֵ᳝݇ᙃˈ䇋খ䯙A䚼ߚDŽ
㾷އࡲ⊩˖ऩߏĀপ⍜āDŽᢨᥝUSB⬉㓚ˈ✊ৢᬒܹHP All-in-One Windows CDDŽ᳝݇
㾷އࡲ⊩˖Ẕᶹࠊ䴶ᵓ䌈⠛ᰃ৺Ꮖᅝ㺙⠶DŽᮁᓔHP All-in-One䖲ˈ✊ৢݡ䞡ᮄ䖲
Problem: You did not see the screen prompting you to connect the USB cable.
Action: Remove, and then re-insert the HP All-in-One Windows CD. Refer to Section A.
Problem: The Microsoft Add Hardware screen appears.
Action: Click Cancel . Unplug the USB cable, and then insert the HP All-in-One Windows
CD. Refer to Section A.
Problem: The Device Setup Has Failed To Complete screen appears.
Action: Verify that the control panel faceplate is fi rmly attached. Unplug the HP All-in-One
and plug it in again. Check all connections. Make sure the USB cable is plugged into
the computer. Do not plug the USB cable into a keyboard or non-powered hub. Refer to
Section A.