
Software Fixes in Release M.08.51 - M.10.72
Release M.08.62
Web UI (PR_1000177915) — Device View from the Web user interface is missing.
Web UI/Port Security (PR_1000195894) — The Web user interface does not allow the
user to select multiple ports when configuring port-security.
Release M.08.62
Problems Resolved in Release M.08.62
Crash (PR_1000207542) — The switch may crash with a bus error or task hang.
Crash (PR_1000216170) — The switch crashes with an mftTask Bus Error whenever
a user attempts to upload the startup-configuration from a TFTP server. The switch accepts
the command with no errors, however the system immediately crashes after the reboot.
Jumbo/Flow control (PR_1000217576) — When the switch is configured for both flow
control and jumbo packets, an Error Message is not generated as stated in the instruction
Port Security (PR_1000203984) — When the limit is reached, the warning message is
displayed: Number of configured addresses on port xx exceeds address-
limit. The address is saved and displayed in the address list of Show Port-security xx. Data
from the added address is passed by the switch.
Release M.08.63
Problems Resolved in Release M.08.63 (Not a general release)
Crash (PR_1000205768) — A null System Name in the Web user interface may crash the
switch with a message similar to:
"Software exception at lldpSysNameTlv.c:251 -- in 'mlldpCtrl', task ID
= 0x12dc88 -> ASSERT: failed".
Web UI (PR_93721) — The web user interface Status screen does not display all ports, and
the scroll bar does not work.
Web UI (PR_1000191635) — The Port column may not be sorted correctly in all Web user
interface screens.
XRRP (PR_1000217651) — Running different XRRP versions causes excessive event log
messages like:
Rcvd a pkt with version number 2, expected 1
Remote rtr 2 domain 2 is miss-configured.
Crash (PR_1000217354) — Bus error in mSnmpCtrl task when adding a less-specific route
and adding it again through the CLI.