Configuring the Switch
Trap Receivers
Configuring the Switch
Trap Receivers
From the switch console only you to configure up to ten IP management
stations (trap receivers) to receive SNMP trap packets sent from the switch.
Trap packets describe specific event types. (These events are the same as the
log messages displayed in the event log.) The Address and Community define
which management stations receive the traps.
If the Send Authentication Traps field is set to Ye s, an authentication trap is sent
to the addresses on the screen if any management station attempts an unau-
thorized access of the switch. Check the event log in the console interface to
help determine why the authentication trap was sent. (Refer to “Using the
Event Log To Identify Problem Sources” on page 8-12.)
To configure Trap Receivers from the switch console:
1. From the Console Main Menu, select
2. Switch Management Access Configuration (IP, SNMP, Console)...
3. Trap Receivers
Figure 6-11. The Trap Receivers Configuration Screen (Default Values)