
Using Virtual Media 61
Using Virtual Media in a three-level cascade
For Virtual Media to work properly in a three-level cascade configuration, you must have an HP Server
Console Switch with Virtual Media or an HP IP Console Switch with Virtual Media as the main console
switch and an HP Server Console Switch with Virtual Media as the secondary and tertiary console
switches. You must also have an interface adapter with Virtual Media connecting each server to the
console switch. For more information on cascading, see "Cascading console switches (on page 23)."
Item Description
1 Local user
2 USB media device
3 Console switch (HP Server Console Switch with Virtual
Media or HP IP Console Switch with Virtual Media)
4 Secondary console switch (HP Server Console Switch
with Virtual Media)
5 Tertiary console switch (HP Server Console Switch with
Virtual Media)
6 USB 2.0 interface adapter with Virtual Media
7 PS2 interface adapter with Virtual Media
8 Server