
meshing requirement 14-6
optimizing the configuration 13-9
path-cost parameter 13-14
point-to-point-mac parameter 13-14
priority parameter 13-14
viewing the configuration 13-10
running-config, viewing 5-5
See also configuration.
security 4-11, 6-3
security, in-band 9-33
Self Test LED
behavior during factory default reset C-34
serial number B-5
access failure 13-6
setting fault detection policy 4-23
setup screen 1-xxiii, 7-4
severity code, event log C-22
show tech C-31
single point of failure 14-2
slow network C-6
SNMP 10-2
CLI commands 10-4
communities 10-3, 10-4, 10-5
Communities screen 10-4
configure 10-3
IP 10-2
public community 10-4
restricted access 10-4
thresholds 10-8
traps 10-3
traps, well-known 10-8
SNMP-based download A-11
broadcast mode 8-2, 8-9
broadcast mode, requirement 8-3
configuration 8-4
disabling 8-11
enabling and disabling 8-9
event log messages 8-24
menu interface operation 8-24
operating modes 8-2
poll interval 8-12
See also TimeP.
selecting 8-3
unicast mode 8-3, 8-10
unicast time polling 8-22
unicast, address priority 8-22
unicast, deleting addresses 8-23
unicast, replacing servers 8-23
viewing 8-4, 8-8
software version B-5
sorting alert log entries 4-19
source port filter 9-33
source port filters 9-39
spanning tree
802.1Q standard 13-3
blocked link 13-5
blocked port 13-4
BPDU 13-3
broadcast storm 13-3, 13-7
caution about filtering 9-38
caution, fast-uplink 13-28
configuring per-port parameters 13-14
configuring RSTP 13-9
configuring whole-switch parameters 13-12
configuring with the menu 13-16
description of operation 13-4
enabling from the browser interface 13-41
enabling in the CLI 13-23
enabling RSTP 13-11
enabling STP 13-11
fast mode 13-20, 13-26
fast-uplink terminology 13-29
fast-uplink, configuring 13-39
fast-uplink, menu 13-31
fast-uplink, operating notes 13-40
fast-uplink, troubleshooting C-15
fast-uplink, viewing status, CLI 13-37
fast-uplink, viewing status, menu 13-35
fast-uplink, with port trunks 13-40
global information B-16
information screen B-16
link priority 13-6, 14-22
loop, network 13-3
operation with switch meshing 14-19
problems related to C-15
redundant path 13-3
RSTP edge port parameter 13-14
RSTP mcheck parameter 13-14
RSTP path-cost parameter 13-14
Index 13