Switch Meshing
Configuring Switch Meshing
Table 14-2. Operating Details for Figure 14-11
Port Meshing? Connection
A1 Yes Connected to a port that may not be configured for meshing
A2 Yes Connected to a switch port on a device that is not configured for meshing (another switch, or a
hub). In this case, the Topology Error message indicates that the switch detects a meshed port
on another, non-adjacent device that is also connected to the non-meshed switch or hub.
However, meshing will not operate properly through this connection.
B1 Yes Not connected to another device.
C1 Yes Connected to a meshed port on the same adjacent switch as D1 with meshing operating properly.
D1 Yes Connected to a meshed port on the same adjacent switch as C1 with meshing operating properly.
Figure 14-12 lists the show mesh display for the topology and meshing config-
uration in figure 14-11:
Figure 14-12. Example of the Show Mesh Listing for the Topology in Figure 14-11
CLI: Configuring Switch Meshing
Syntax: [no] mesh [e] < port-list >
Enables or disables meshing operation on the specified ports.
All meshed ports on a switch belong to the same mesh domain. Thus, to
configure multiple meshed ports on a switch, you need to:
1. Specify the ports you want to operate in the mesh domain.
2. Use write memory to save the configuration to the startup-config file.
3. Reboot the switch
For example, to configure meshing on ports A1-A4, B3, C1, and D1-D3: