On a subsequent window, you select premium-edge for the Feature Group and type the registration ID
you received with the purchase of the Premium License. The registration ID is found on a plastic
laminated card that is shipped with the HP ProCurve switch.
After you agree to the terms of the License Agreement, the wizard will display the status of the license
installation process. As part of this process the following events occur:
• First, the Hardware ID is retrieved from the switch.
• Secondly, the license key is retrieved from the My ProCurve Web portal.
• Lastly, the Premium License feature group is activated and the license is installed.
Appendix B: Policy Enforcement Engine
The ProVision ASIC architecture used in the HP ProCurve Switch 5400zl, 3500yl, and 6200yl series
brings a number of advanced capabilities to the network that offer a highly reliable, robust
environment that leads to increased network uptime, keeping overall network costs down. One major
feature is the ProVision Policy Enforcement Engine which is implemented in the ProVision ASIC of
each line interface module.