An HP NetServer cluster provides a reliable, cabinet-mounted, increased-availability solution for critical applications.
The basic cluster consists of two HP NetServer systems coupled to an HP Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) hub
connected to an HP A3661B Model 30/FC High Availability Disk Array.
The HP Model 30/FC High Availability Disk Array is a high capacity mass storage device that can reside in the same
cabinet (also called a rack) as the HP NetServer and an HP FC-AL hub. It uses Fibre Channel technology to ensure fast,
reliable access to data.
Both HP NetServers use the HP Model 30/FC High Availability Disk Array as a shared external storage device, using a
TACHYON Fibre Channel Adapter Card that comes in the HP45246A Fibre Channel Adpater Kit for NT. A FC I/O
adapter card is located in each HP NetServer. Both HP NetServers run Microsoft Windows NT
Server Enterprise
Edition, which includes Microsoft Cluster Server software.
Two HP FC-AL hubs, connected to each other in a cascading arrangement, can be used in a cluster. Also, additional disk
arrays can be used for shared external storage.
This guide is a reference to be used during unpacking, setup and installation of the FC I/O adapter, HP Model 30/FC
High Availability Disk Array, and HP FC-AL hub as components of your HP NetServer Microsoft Cluster configuration.
The HP Model 30/FC High Availability Disk Array is not customer installable. It must be unpacked and installed only
by authorized Hewlett-Packard service representatives. This guide is for the HP service representative who installs the
shared external storage units in an HP NetServer Microsoft Cluster.
NOTE This document is incomplete without the HP NetServer Microsoft Cluster Installation Guide.
When prompted by this supplement, turn to the installation guide to get the necessary instructions.
Operating System
The HP Model 30/FC High Availability Disk Array is supported in clustered environments on HP NetServer LXr Pro8
Series systems running the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 or later operating system. It is not supported as a
boot device on HP NetServers.
The required Fibre Channel driver for Windows NT is supplied on a diskette that comes with the FC I/O adapter.