
Changing Your Workstation’s Hardware Configuration
Installing Additional memory
3 Close the ejector tabs on each side of the memory connector to lessen the force
required to seat the memory module, as shown in Figure 47.
4 Line up the memory module with the guides making sure that the notched end of
the memory module is toward the white ejector tab (front of the main tray), as
shown in Figure 47.
Figure 47 Installing Memory Modules
5 Press firmly and evenly on the memory module to ensure that it is fully seated.
6 Install the memory retainer.
7 To verify that this installation was successful, follow the steps in Appendix D,
“The Boot Console Interface,” on displaying memory information. If you have
only replaced a faulty memory module, you must issue the pdt clear command in
the service menu of the Boot Console Interface. Answer yes (y) to the prompt
Continue? (Y/N) >.”
White Ejector Tab