Configuration and Utilities 61
For more information about BIOS Serial Console, refer to the BIOS Serial
Console User Guide on the Documentation CD or the HP website
Array Configuration Utility
ACU is a browser-based utility with the following features:
Runs as a local application or remote service
Supports online array capacity expansion, logical drive extension,
assignment of online spares, and RAID or stripe size migration
Suggests the optimum configuration for an unconfigured system
Provides different operating modes, enabling faster configuration or greater
control over the configuration options
Remains available any time that the server is on
Displays on-screen tips for individual steps of a configuration procedure
The minimum display settings for optimum performance are 800 × 600
resolution and 256 colors. The server must have Microsoft® Internet
Explorer 5.5 (with Service Pack 1) installed and be running Microsoft®
Windows® 2000, Windows® Server 2003, or Linux. Refer to the README.TXT
file for further information about browser and Linux support.
For more information, refer to the HP Array Configuration Utility User Guide on
the Documentation CD or the HP website (http://www.hp.com
Option ROM Configuration for Arrays
Before installing an operating system, you can use the ORCA utility to create the
first logical drive, assign RAID levels, and establish online spare configurations.
The utility provides support for the following functions:
Configuring one or more logical drives using physical drives on one or more
SCSI buses
Viewing the current logical drive configuration