Configuration Menu 194
ACL TCP/UDP Filter configuration
Command: /cfg/acl/acl <1-384>/tcpudp
[Filtering TCP/UDP Menu]
sport - Set to filter on TCP/UDP source port
dport - Set to filter on TCP/UDP destination port
flags - Set to filter TCP/UDP flags
reset - Reset all fields
cur - Display current parameters
This menu allows you to define TCP/UDP matching criteria for an ACL. The following table describes
the TCP/UDP Filter Configuration Menu options.
Table 174
TCP/UDP Filter Configuration Menu options
Command Description
sport <1-65535> <port mask>
Defines a source port for the ACL. If defined, traffic with the specified
TCP or UDP source port will match this ACL. Specify the port number.
Some of the well-known ports include:
• Number—Name
• 20—ftp-data
• 21—ftp
• 22—ssh
• 23—telnet
• 25—smtp
• 37—time
• 42—name
• 43—whois
• 53—domain
• 69—tftp
• 70—gopher
• 79—finger
• 80—http
dport <1-65535>
Defines a destination port for the ACL. If defined, traffic with the
specified TCP or UDP destination port will match this ACL. Specify the
port number, just as with sport above.
flags <value (0x0-0x3f)>
Defines a TCP/UDP flag for the ACL.
Resets the TCP/UDP parameters for the ACL to their default values.
Displays the current TCP/UDP Filtering parameters.