Boot Console Interface Model C100/110
Displaying and Setting the Monitor Type
Displaying and Setting the Monitor
Your system ships from the factory preset to use a
monitor with a specific resolution and frequency. If
you replace your workstation’s monitor with a differ-
ent type of monitor, you must reconfigure your work-
station to support the new monitor.
The Monitor Command
The monitor command lets you change your worksta-
tion’s graphics configuration. This command is avail-
able in both the Information and Configuration Menus
of the boot console interface. However, when you use
it in the Information Menu, monitor only displays the
current graphics and console information. You must
use monitor in the Configuration Menu to set a moni-
tor type.
The correct usage for this command is:
monitor graphics_path
where valid graphics_path parameters are:
Graphics device in slot3. If there is a Dual Color
Graphics Card in slot4, this is the console port to the
right on the card when facing the back of the work-
Graphics device in slot4. If there is a Dual Color
Graphics Card in slot4, this is the console port to the
left on the card when facing the back of the worksta-