
Rear-door rib assembly (duplex product)
Before proceeding, remove the following components:
Right cover. See
Right cover on page 23.
Rear door. See
Rear door (simplex product) on page 33 or Rear door (duplex product)
on page 35.
Rear upper cover. See
Rear-upper cover (duplex product) on page 30.
Rear-lower cover. See
Rear-lower cover and rear-door links (duplex product) on page 41.
Remove the rear-door rib assembly (duplex product)
NOTE: The duplex fan (FM2) is a component of the rear-door rib assembly.
1. Disconnect one connector (callout 1).
TIP: The PCA can be dislodged when disconnecting the connector. To secure the PCA, carefully
push it towards the inside of the product to clear the mounting tabs near the rib assembly
(callout 2 shows the PCA correctly positioned under the tabs). Slide the PCA towards the rib
assembly to position the edge of the PCA under the mounting tabs.
Figure 1-55 Remove the rear-door rib assembly (duplex product) (1 of 3)
Removal and replacement procedures