Removal and replacement procedures 33
IMPORTANT: HP recommends troubleshooting the system using port 85 codes before replacing the system
board. Refer to "Troubleshooting the system using port 85 codes (on page 64)" for a list of codes and
troubleshooting procedures.
1. Power down the server (on page 16).
2. Remove all media drives ("Removing a media drive" on page 19) and media drive blanks
("Removing a media drive blank" on page 19).
3. Remove all hard drives ("Removing a hot-plug SCSI hard drive" on page 40, "Removing a hot-plug
SAS hard drive" on page 41) and hard drive blanks ("Removing a hard drive blank" on page 40).
4. Remove all memory boards ("Removing a memory board" on page 58, "Removing a memory board
(non-hot-plug)" on page 57) and memory board blanks.
5. Remove the processor module ("Removing the processor module" on page 20).
6. Extend or remove the server from the rack ("Remove the server from the rack" on page 16).
7. Remove the access panel ("Removing the access panel" on page 17).
8. Remove the media board ("Removing the media board" on page 37).
9. Remove the SCSI backplane ("Removing the SCSI backplane" on page 37).
10. Remove all system fans ("Replacing hot-plug fans" on page 49).
11. Remove all expansion boards ("Removing a non-hot-plug expansion board" on page 28, "Removing
a PCI-X Hot Plug expansion board" on page 47).
12. Remove the PCI-X Hot Plug basket ("Removing the PCI-X Hot Plug basket" on page 28), if installed.
13. Disconnect the cable from the PCI-X Hot Plug mezzanine board, if installed.
14. Remove the system cage ("Removing the system cage" on page 17).
15. Unlock the latch and open the lever.