
Item Component Spare part number
For use only with computer models equipped with the RS880M chipset and the HD6470
graphics subsystem with 512-MB of discrete memory
For use only with computer models equipped with the RS880M chipset and a graphics
subsystem with UMA memory
System board for use only with computer models equipped with the 6750 chipset and a
graphics subsystem with discrete memory (includes 1024-MB of discrete graphics
subsystem memory)
System board for use only with computer models equipped with the 6650 chipset and a
graphics subsystem with discrete memory (includes 1024-MB of discrete graphics
subsystem memory)
System board for use only with computer models equipped with the 6490 chipset and a
graphics subsystem with discrete memory (includes 512-MB of discrete graphics
subsystem memory)
System board for use only with computer models equipped with the 6470 chipset and a
graphics subsystem with discrete memory (includes 512-MB of discrete graphics
subsystem memory)
System board for use only with computer models equipped with a graphics subsystem
with UMA memory (includes replacement thermal material)
For use only with computer models equipped with an Intel processor:
For use only with computer models equipped with the Intel HM65 chipset, an Intel Quad
Core processor, and a graphics subsystem with 2.0-GB of discrete memory
For use only with computer models equipped with the Intel HM65 chipset, an Intel Dual
Core processor, and a graphics subsystem with 2.0-GB of discrete memory
For use only with computer models equipped with the Intel HM65 chipset, an Intel Quad
Core processor, and a graphics subsystem with UMA memory
For use only with computer models equipped with the HM65 chipset, an Intel Dual
Core processor, and a graphics subsystem with UMA memory
For use only with computer models equipped with the 6770 chipset and an Intel Quad
Core processor (BACO, includes 1024-MB of discrete graphics subsystem memory)
For use only with computer models equipped with the 6770 chipset and an Intel Quad
Core processor (includes 1024-MB of discrete graphics subsystem memory)
For use only with computer models equipped with the 6770 chipset and an Intel Dual
Core processor (BACO, includes 1024-MB of discrete graphics subsystem memory)
For use only with computer models equipped with the 6770 chipset and an Intel Dual
Core processor (includes 1024-MB of discrete graphics subsystem memory)
For use only with computer models equipped with the 6490 chipset and an Intel Quad
Core processor (BACO, includes 1024-MB of discrete graphics subsystem memory)
For use only with computer models equipped with the 6490 chipset and an Intel Quad
Core processor (includes 1024-MB of discrete graphics subsystem memory)
For use only with computer models equipped with the 6490 chipset and an Intel Dual
Core processor (BACO, includes 1024-MB of discrete graphics subsystem memory)
Computer major components