Chapter 3 Operating the Cartridge Tape Drive
Order Number: EK–STWCT–UG. E01 3–3
Table 3–1 States Indicated by LEDs
Drive State Top LED (errors) Middle LED (SCSI)* Bottom LED (motion)
POST (1st part) On On green On
POST (to completion) On Flash irregular** Off***
Failed POST Flash fast Flash irregular Off
Ready (no tape loaded) Off Flash irregular Off
Ready (tape loaded) Off Flash irregular On
Normal tape motion Off Flash irregular Flash slow
High-speed tape motion Off Flash irregular Flash fast
SCSI bus reset On Flash irregular On
Error Flash slow Flash irregular Off
Time to clean Flash fast Flash irregular Flash fast
Cleaning tape loaded Off Flash irregular Flash slow
* Green indicates EXB-8500 or EXB-8200 uncompressed format.
Amber indicates EXB-8500c or EXB-8200c compressed format.
** The LED flash rates are defined as follows:
flash slow = 1 flash/second
flash fast = 4 flashes/second
irregular = Rate of flash varies depending on SCSI bus activity. If the 8mm tape drive is
not connected to the SCSI bus, the LED will be off.
*** If a tape is loaded, the bottom LED will flash slow and then fast during the second part of
the power-on self-test (POST)
You may occasionally observe LED combinations and
sequences not described in Table 3–1. These other
combinations represent special or unusual conditions that are
beyond the scope of this table.
3.2 Recommended Data Cartridge
The 8mm cartridge tape drive uses 8mm data cartridges, Digital part number TKZ8x.
This data cartridge provides approximately 10 GBytes of EXB-8500c formatted data
capacity, assuming an average compression ratio of 2:1.
Additional data cartridges can be ordered. For details, see page
viii in the "About This
Guide" section of this document.
3.3 Setting the Write-Protect Switch
The tape drive uses 8mm data cartridges, part number TKZ8X. These data cartridges are
equipped with a write-protect switch to prevent the tape from being unintentionally
written to.