
Illustrated Parts Catalog
Maintenance and Service Guide 3–27
407856-BB1 Keyboard for use in Israel
407856-DH1 Keyboard for use in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden
407939-001 Composite S-Video and audio cable
407940-001 RF input adapter cable
407941-001 Analog TV tuner
408479-001 TV tuner remote control
408485-001 RF cable
408843-001 USB infrared receiver
409073-001 Heat sink assembly (includes thermal paste)
409079-001 USB/audio board (includes USB/audio board cable)
410055-001 Fan assembly (includes thermal paste)
410118-001 Wireless Antenna Kit (includes cable, transceivers, and tape)
412175-001 DVB-T TV tuner
412176-001 DVB-T TV tuner antenna
418162-001 Carrying case
430200-001 Intel Core Duo T1400 1.83-GHz processor (includes
thermal paste)
430202-001 Intel Celeron 420 1.60-GHz processor (includes thermal paste)
430533-001 Display Cable Kit
Table 3-7
Sequential Part Number Listing
Spare Part
Number Description