
connects to the PCI bus of the processor. Not visible within
the processor’s memory space.
conguration The way a system is set up. May r efer to hardware or s oftware:
Hardware: The number, type, and arrangement of
components that make up a system or network.
Software: The set of parameters that guide switch operation.
May include general system p arameters, IP address
information, domain ID, and other information. Modiable
by any login with administrative privileges. May also refer
to a set of zones.
CRC Cyclic re dundancy check. A check for transmission errors that
is included in every data frame.
data word A type of transmission word that occurs within frames. The
frame header, data eld, and CRC all consist of data words.
dened zone con-
The set of all zone objects dened in the fabric. May
includemultiplezonecongurations. See also zone, zone
directory service See SNS.
DLS Dynamic load sharing. Dynamic distribution of trafcover
available paths. Allows for recomputing of routes when an
Fx_Port or E_Port changes status.
domain ID Unique identier used in routing frames for all s witches in a
fabric. Usually assigned by the principal switch, but can be
assigned manually. The domain ID for an HP switch can be any
integer between 1 and 239. The default domain ID is usually 1.
E_D_TOV Error-detect time-out value. The minimum time a target waits
for a sequence to complete before initiating recovery. Can
also be dened as the maximum time allowed for a round-trip
transmission before an error condition is declared.
E_Port Expansion port. A type of switch port that can be connected
to an E_Port on another switch to create an ISL. See also ISL
trunking, U_Port.
EE_Credit End-to-end credit. The number of receive buffers allocated by
a recipient port to an originating port. Used by Class 1 and
Class 2 services to manage the exchange of frames across the
fabric between source and destination.
EIA rack A storage rack that meets the standards set by the Electronics
Industry Association (EIA).