
Image Defect Summary
The quality of the printers output is subject to the judgment of
the user. This section of the manual helps you define print
quality defects, and understand what factors affect print quality.
The print samples shown in the following figures illustrate some
print quality defects. Keep copies of print quality defects
encountered in the field with an explanation of their causes for
future reference.
The image defects listed below are covered in the following tables.
(For major assembly, connector, and switch locations, see Figures
7-11 through 7-18 later in this chapter.)
Black Pages.
Any Faint Print Condition
Faulty Registration
Vertical White Streaks.
Right-hand Image Missing.
Small Print Voids
Random Horizontal Black Lines
Repetitive Defects.
Smeared Print/Improper Fusing.
Distorted Print.
Black Pages with Horizontal White Strips.
Image Skew.
Improperly Sized Image.
Vertical Dark Streaks.
Large Print Voids.
Background Scatter.
White or Blank Pages.
Troubleshooting 7-35