90 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user’s guide
Contacting HP Customer Care by phone
Like most HP customers, you’ll probably never need to call us. But if you do, you’ll be
connected to a service technician who specializes in your product and can help you find the
answers you need.
See the list below for the
HP Customer Care Center
phone number in your country/region.
Australia + 61 3 8877 8000 Hungary +36 (0)1 382 1111
Austria + 43 (0)7114 201080 Ireland + 353 (0)1 662 5525
Belgium (Dutch) + 32 (0)2 626 8806 Italy + 39 02 264 10350
Belgium (French) + 32 (0)2 626 8807 Japan 03 3335 8333
Canada 905-206-4663 Korea (Seoul) +82 (2) 3270 0700
Czech Republic + 42 (0)2 61 30 73 10 Korea (outside Seoul) 080-999-0700
Denmark + 45 39 29 4099 Malaysia +60 (3) 295 2566
Finland + 358 (0)203 47 288 Malaysia (Penang) 1 300 88 00 28
France + 33 (0)1 43 62 34 34 Netherlands + 31 (0)20 606 8751
Germany + 49 (0)1 8052 58 143
(DM 0.24/minute)
New Zealand +64 (9) 356 6640
Greece + 30 (0)1 619 64 11 Norway + 47 22 11 6299
Hong Kong 800 96 7729 Portugal + 351 21 3176333