All other OpenView management tools, such as OpenView Operations, Service Desk, and Service Reporter, will be able to
collect and process information from the agents running on Itanium 2-based servers running HP-UX.
Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition
Windows Server 2003, Datacenter EditionWindows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition
Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition
The HP Essentials Foundation Pack for Windows
The HP Essentials Foundation Pack for WindowsThe HP Essentials Foundation Pack for Windows
The HP Essentials Foundation Pack for Windows
is a complete toolset to install, configure, and manage
Itanium2 servers running Windows. Included in the Pack is the Smart Setup DVD which contains all the latest tested
and compatible HP Windows drivers, HP firmware, HP Windows utilities, and HP management agents that assist in
the server deployment process by preparing the server for installation of standard Windows operating system and in
the on going management of the server. Please note that this is available for HP service personnel but not provided
to end customers.
Partition Manager
Partition ManagerPartition Manager
Partition Manager
creates and manages nPartitions-hard partitions for high end servers. Once the hard
partitions are created, the Windows Server 2003 resources running on those partitions can be managed consistently
with the Windows System Resource Manager and Insight Manager through the System Management Homepage (see
below). Key features include full support for creating, modifying, and deleting hardware partitions.
At first release, Partition Manager will require a PC SMS running Partition Manager Command Line
(A9801A or A9802A) or an HP-UX 11i Version 2 partition or separate device (i.e. Itanium2-based workstation or
server running HP-UX 11i Version 2) in order to configure Windows partitions. Refer to HP-UX section above for key
features of Partition Manager.
Insight Manager 7
Insight Manager 7Insight Manager 7
Insight Manager 7
maximizes system uptime and provides powerful monitoring and control. Insight Manager 7
delivers pre failure alerting for servers ensuring potential server failures are detected before they result in unplanned
system downtime. Insight Manager 7 also provides inventory reporting capabilities that dramatically reduce the time
and effort required to track server assets and helps systems administrators make educated decisions about which
system may required hardware upgrades or replacement. And Insight Manager 7 is an effective tool for managing
your HP desktops and notebooks as well as non HP devices instrumented to SNMP or DMI.
System Management Homepage
System Management HomepageSystem Management Homepage
System Management Homepage
displays critical management information through a simple, task oriented
user interface. All system faults and major subsystem status are now reported within the initial System Management
Homepage view. In addition, the new tab-based interface and menu structure provide one click access to server log.
The System Management Homepage is accessible either directly through a browser (with the partition's IP address) or
through a management application such as Insight Manager 7 or an enterprise management application.
HP's Management Processor
HP's Management ProcessorHP's Management Processor
HP's Management Processor
enables remote server management over the Web regardless of the system state. In
the unlikely event that the operating system is not running, the Management Processor can be accessed to power
cycle the server, view event logs and status logs, enable console redirection, and more. The Management Processor
is embedded into the server and does not take a PCI slot. And, because secure access to the Management Processor
is available through SSL encryption, customers can be confident that its powerful capabilities will be available only
to authorized administrators. New features on the management processor include:
Support for Web Console that provides secure text mode access to the management processor
Reporting of error events from system firmware.
Ability to trigger the task of PCI OL* from the management processor.
Ability to scan a cell board while the system is running.
Implementation of management processor commands for security across partitions so that partitions do not
modify system configuration.
OpenView Management Tools
OpenView Management ToolsOpenView Management Tools
OpenView Management Tools
, such as OpenView Operations and Network Node Manager, will be able to
collect and process information from the SNMP agents and WMI running on Windows Itanium 2 based servers. In
the future, OpenView agents will be able to directly collect and correlate event, storage, and performance data from
Windows Itanium 2 based servers, thus enhancing the information OpenView management tools will process and
Insight Manager 7
Insight Manager 7Insight Manager 7
Insight Manager 7
maximizes system uptime and provides powerful monitoring and control. Insight Manager 7
also provides inventory reporting capabilities that dramatically reduce the time and effort required to track server
assets and helps systems administrators make educated decisions about which system may required hardware
upgrades or replacement. And Insight Manager 7 is an effective tool for managing your HP desktops and notebooks
as well as non HP devices instrumented to SNMP or DMI.
The HP Enablement Kit for Linux
The HP Enablement Kit for LinuxThe HP Enablement Kit for Linux
The HP Enablement Kit for Linux
facilitates setup and configuration of the operating system. This kit includes
System Imager, an open source operating system deployment tool. System Imager is a golden image based tool and
can be used for initial deployment as well as updates.
Partition Manager
Partition ManagerPartition Manager
Partition Manager
creates and manages nPartitions-hard partitions for high-end servers. Once the partitions are
created, the systems running on those partitions can be managed consistently with all the other tools integrated into
Servicecontrol Manager.
At first release, Partition Manager will require an HP-UX 11i Version 2 partition or separate device (i.e.
HP Integrity Superdome Servers: 16-way, 32-way,
HP Integrity Superdome Servers: 16-way, 32-way,HP Integrity Superdome Servers: 16-way, 32-way,
HP Integrity Superdome Servers: 16-way, 32-way,
and 64-way
and 64-wayand 64-way
and 64-way
DA - 11717 Worldwide — Version 2 — July 15, 2003
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