Chapter 1 15
Introduction to HP OpenView Service Assurance for Communication
Relationship Between Messages and Problems
Relationship Between Messages and Problems
The OVO message browser and the topology GUI problems presenter
contain similar information for managing telecom equipment. Each
telecom message received by the OV Telecom Extensions for OV
Operations is correlated to a problem in the OV Topology Server and
each problem generated by the OV Topology Server creates a new
message in the OV Telecom Extensions for OV Operations. If the OV
Topology Server is configured, the choice of which window to use for
managing telecom equipment is a matter of network operator preference
and/or network operations center policy. The OVO message browser
contains a subset of all problem attributes, while the problems presenter
can display all of the problem attributes. The problems presenter can be
formatted extensively (hide/move columns, change column width) to suit
the operator’s preferences.
The interaction between the OVO message browser and the topology GUI
problems presenter is described below.
• OVSACN maintains the synchronization of the OVO message
browser and the topology GUI problems presenter. Changes to a
message’s severity, ownership, acknowledge state, or discharge state
reflect in the problems presenter. Similarly, changes to a problem’s
severity, ownership, acknowledge state, or discharge state reflect in
the message browser.
• When the topology server creates a problem because of a message
received from the telecom subagent, the problem severity is set to the
severity in the received message.
• When the topology server generates a new problem as a result of
correlating several received messages, it sends a message to the OVO
server so the message browser also includes a message about the
• When the topology server changes a problem’s severity, it sends a
message to the OVO server to update the severity of the
corresponding message in the message browser.