Power consumption worksheet - sample
The following worksheet makes it easy to make all the calculations you need to make.
Using the worksheet is simple. Inventory the HP Netservers LP 2000r that you will be rackmounting as to
the number of CPUs, memory boards, HDDs and add-in cards installed and input these numbers into the
“Number Installed” column. Multiply this number with the value in the “Unit Input Power (Watts)” column
to get the “Total Input Power (Watts)” for this particular server section. Finally, add all the values in the
“Total Input Power (Watts)” column to arrive at a total power consumption figure for the server.
Then using the formulas provided, calculate the current requirements and the BTUs/Hr.
For example: The calculations for an HP Netserver LP 2000r with 2 each 933 MHz processors, 2 GB of
memory, 2 each HDDs and a NetRAID 1M controller will show the following results:
C a t e g o r y P a rt Number D e s c r i p t i o n Unit Input Power (Wa t t s ) Number Installed Total Input Power (Wa t t s )
Server LP 2000r Basic boardset, 63.30 1 63.30
FDD, CD, fans, etc
CPU’s P2467A Pentium III 866 MHz 35.05
P2468A Pentium III 933 MHz 37.90 2 75.80
P2453A Pentium III 1 GHz 41.30
P4632A Pentium III 1.13 GHz 27.9
P4634A Pentium III 1.26 GHz 29.5
P5476A Pentium III 1.4 GHz 31.2
CPU Terminator (if no 2nd CPU) 2.40
Memory D8265A 128 MB 133 MHz ECC SDRAM 3.45
D8266A 256 MB 133 MHz ECC SDRAM 3.90
D8267A 512 MB 133 MHz ECC SDRAM 4.75
D8268A 1 GB 133 MHz ECC SDRAM 8.05 2 16.10
Hard Disk P2472A 9.1 GB, 10k RPM Ultra3 SCSI Disk Drive 17.55 2 35.10
Drives P2473A 18.2 GB, 10k RPM Ultra3 SCSI Disk Drive 21.50
P2474A 36.4 GB, 10k RPM Ultra3 SCSI Disk Drive 24.35 3 73.05
P3579A 73.4 GB, 10k RPM Ultra3 SCSI Disk Drive 15.3
P2507A 18.2 GB, 15k RPM Ultra3 SCSI Disk Drive 22.25
P4507A 36.4 GB, 15k RPM Ultra3 SCSI Disk Drive 17
RAID D2140A NetRAID 1Si 9.10
Controllers D5955A NetRAID 3Si 19.20
P3410A NetRAID 1M 10.80
P3411A NetRAID 2M (64 MB cache) 19.50 1 19.50
P3475A NetRAID 2M (128 MB cache) 19.50
D9161A NetRAID 4M (64 MB cache) 24.55
D9351A NetRAID 4M (128 MB cache) 24.55
Network D5013B 10/100TX NIC 2.55
Interface Cards N/A 3COM 3C980C-TX 10/100 NIC 4.50
N/A Intel PILA8472B Dual Port 10/100TX NIC 9.95
N/A Intel Pro/1000 PWLA8490T Gigabit NIC 7.25
N/A Intel Pro/1000 PWLA8490SX Gigabit NIC 7.25
Other PCI Cards D6802B FC HBA 8.70
P3413A Ultra-160 SCSI HBA 8.70
P1218A Top Tools Remote Control Card 8.70
A) Total Input Power (Watts) from the worksheet above 272.05
B) Input the AC line power (Volts) that the system is operating on. 220
C) Calculate Input Current (A) = A/B 1.24
D) Calculate the Thermal Dissipation (BTUs/Hr) = A x 3.41 927.69
HP Netserver High Density Rack Solutions Overview (LP 2000r)