HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical reference manual, volume 2: software integration 53
HP restricted
6 Sense keys and codes
Sense keys—actions to take
Ultrium drives follow the ANSI definition of sense keys. The following table explains how the
drives interpret sense key descriptions.
As sense keys and additional sense codes are intended to be hierarchical errors, the table
recommends action for the host when a particular sense key is reported.
For more detailed recovery actions, see “Additional sense codes—actions to take” on
page 57.
Code Sense Key Interpretation
These are informational/positional codes. The additional sense
codes are not generally considered errors; they usually indicate
some condition (such as hitting a filemark). The tape positional
codes are mandatory for all sequential access devices. This use
complies with SCSI-2, so it is generic.
For additional sense codes, see “0h—NO SENSE” on page 58.
Action: The host will know what to do with this information, depending
upon the I/O operation at the time. Since the drive implements
Progress Indication, this sense key may be returned if the drive is
polled while an immediate operation is in progress.
CHECK CONDITION occurs with this sense key, and the additional
sense code is not recognized by the host, the software should just
log the occurrence and continue. It will not be considered an error.
The I/O should have completed without an error.
These errors have been recovered by the drive. The drive may
report any type of recovered error additional sense code.
RECOVERED ERROR is returned is a MODE SELECT parameter is
truncated or if a TapeAlert event is being reported.
RECOVERED ERROR is the lowest priority sense key; it is only
reported when the I/O has completed with no other type of
having occurred.
For additional sense codes, see “1h—RECOVERED ERROR” on
page 59.
Console Message: None