HP NetServer Installation Guide 37
7 Microsoft Cluster Server Software Setup
During installation of Microsoft Cluster Server Software (MSCS) at System A, you will create a Microsoft
Cluster Server. Initially, it is a cluster with only one server (System A). Later, you will join System B to the
cluster and thus create a standard two-server (node) cluster. If you need more information about the
installation process outlined here, see the Microsoft Cluster Server Administrators Guide.
Install MSCS on System A
MSCS installation includes slightly different software setups for System A and System B. Since you just
finished configuring arrays on System A, continue Microsoft Cluster Server Setup where you left off with
Disk Administrator.
To install MSCS at System A:
1. Insert the Component CD of Microsoft Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition in the CD-ROM drive of
System B.
2. Run the Microsoft Cluster Server setup program.
Setup.exe is located in the following folder on the Component CD: \
3. Choose Form a new cluster and click Next.
Setup prompts you to identify the cluster by name.
4. Type a name for the cluster. Make note of the name you type. You will need to provide the identical
name during Microsoft Cluster Server software setup of System A. Click Next.
Microsoft Cluster Administrator, Assigning a Cluster Name